Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reflection on poem, " Mother to son"

What I like about this poem is that it is basically one statement, " Son, my life isn't going so well, don't ruin your life, and I'm still alive" and it is expanded to a long poem. First she talks about how her life isn't well by saying " it's got splinters in it" and "Boards torn up" she says that her life isn't well in a variety of ways. Then she goes on about how her son shouldn't ruin his life, and then about how she's still alive and she's glad that she was alive. My favorite line from this poem was Life for me ain't no crystal stair. This line means that my life isn't moving so well, My Life just means my life, crystal means really well and stair means moving up, my life isn't going up really well.
Overall I didn't really like this poem because I didn't find much meaning to it or fun to it.

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