Monday, October 18, 2010

Ela draft of Appreciation

"I'm very pleased to meet you" said Milo, not sure whether or not he was pleased at all. " I think I'm lost. Can you help me please?" " 'Don't say think'" said one sitting on his shoe, for the one on the shoulders has fallen asleep " It's against the law" And he yawned and fell off to sleep, too.
            The book I read as my childhood favorite was The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth is about a boy named Milo who goes on a journey when he goes into a magical tollbooth which sends him to a big entirely different world, each different place he goes to, there is  a whole weird thing for example, the quote I used from the book was from a place where you weren't allowed to think, in my eyes this is the weirdest place in the book, it was a tough decision because there were many weird places like a place where letters grew on trees, and sounds were listed in alphabetic order. Every place they went there was one big difference between normal life, and life in that world.
              Milo is a person who's life is a bore, he never finds something to do, and he's always changing his mind, when he wants something and gets it, he wants something else. And when he finds the tollbooth in his room and goes into it, he goes into a journey in which at a point he forgot all about having to go home. Some of Milo's characteristics, he's brave because he didn't feel scared to find his own way out of the world he got stuck in. Also I think that Milo is very honest because in many times he would admit that he doesn’t know or doesn’t get it.
            What I appreciate about this book is how Milo deals with the fact that he got transported into a new weird world. I appreciate how he doesn’t cry like a baby and tries what ever he can to get out, he knows that he will have to find his way out. I also appreciate how Milo respected all the people he met, he didn’t say “Oh you are weird you don’t think” he would simply just ask if that’s possible. And another reason I appreciate The Phantom Tollbooth is because of how honest Milo is, he’s not the type who would say, I was the one who accidentally flushed your toothbrush down the toilet, but he wouldn’t keep little secrets to himself, he would say that he didn’t even know where he was or that he was being careless.
            I think that this is a great book, I love how The Author makes this fantasy different from other fantasies, is that there’s no villain or a important quest with semi villains in the way, it’s just a fun book to enjoy to read I had a great experience with it, first off, I never read it so I was just reading with not many thoughts in my head, but as I got deeper in the book, I started thinking, what’s the next world going to be about.
            So what are you waiting for?  Go on Milo’s magical adventure, experience the weirdness of each different place Milo goes to. All you need to do is get a car, a mysterious tollbooth that comes into your room out of nowhere, and a watchdog that has a big clock on it.      

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