Monday, December 6, 2010

Draft Picture book



Mahir Syed




        Ronald is a Buffalo who loves the way he is, he always minds his own business, doesn’t follow what the cool guys do

        But Ronald was always lonely, he would sit by the farm gate and just watch all the cows do what they did. But then one day……

        Ronald saw a girl cow that was pretty good looking, but he saw all of the cool buffalo talking to her and Ronald wanted to talk to her.

        So Ronald thought that if he wasn’t as cool as the popular Buffalo, the pretty cow wouldn’t talk to him.

        So Ronald thought that he had to do whatever the cool kids do in order to be cool.

        So Ronald saw that all the cool buffalo would brush their hair every morning, so Ronald brushed his hair everyday.

        The next morning Ronald woke up and quickly brushed his hair from head to feet. But then he saw all the cool buffalo with grass necklaces on their necks, so Ronald got the best pieces of grass and tied them into a nice round necklace and put it on.

        The next day Ronald saw the cool kids teasing the little sheep, so Ronald went to a sheep and told him about how tiny and puny he was.

        The next day Ronald saw the cool kids running away from something, so Ronald ran next to one of the cows, but he didn’t realize the human were trying to get the buffalo to eat 100 pounds of vegetables, so Ronald ran to the forest next to the farm and lived happily ever after.


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